Thursday, October 20, 2011

Diaper Rash & Doubling

Diaper Rash:
Kennedy has been battling a diaper rash for a day or so so she's been crying when it's time for a diaper change. Poor baby. I'm learning things about being a better parent every day. Like the late night I went to HEB for diapers and the only size 3's available were in the Munchkin brand and I didn't want to go to Wal-Mart AT ALL so I bought them against my better judgment and the next day with butt paste and all my sweet baby girl has a diaper rash that WILL NOT LEAVE. URGG After the run-on sentence trip BACK out to Wal-Mart the next day we have Pampers Cruisers and a little healing butt that you get to read about on this here blog. *sigh* rookie mommy mistake number 234829384

Doubling is a way for people who have partnered with FHTM (our home based business) to double their paycheck. We have had the pleasure of helping people go from single pay to double pay. Yesterday I got a call from a doubling paycheck person in tears because they were so thankful they have stuck with and pushed through the "no's" (we get a lot of those) to be able to pay all of their bills AND HAVE SOME LEFT OVER for the first time in 14 months. Blessing. I never thought I would be in network marketing and a really really never thought I could make a dime in it. I was wrong. I also never thought that I would have the chance to help a lot of other people make money for their families and in this economy that just thrills me.

So the point to this post is to say that I love being a mom and I love my work and I am so very thankful for every up and down and every joy and tear and sacrifice that they bring. I was put here for this purpose and for such a time AS THIS.


  1. I am not a rookie mom and I still make mistakes. Every child is different, and with each child, different mistakes are made. LOL. However, just being able to make the mistakes are blessings too!! Remember that. Being a stay at home is very rewarding. XOXOXOXO

  2. Don't be to hard on yourself, all babies get diaper rash at one point. If it gets really bad and won't go away, Lotrimin (the anti-fungal foot cream) works GREAT on diaper rash. Don't know why, but my pediatrician recommended it and I used it everytime the boys got a rash.
