Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Checking In

Get it?!? Checking in? Its been over a week since I told you about my 10K and all of the races to come. I wanted to share with you what occurred to me during our small group class this past Sunday. 
We were discussing Romans 5 and talked about how we have been set free but don't know how to live the life of freedom. If we really grasped how free we are in Christ we would have a skip in our step. I think a lot of times we all want a quick fix (I'm guilty of it about my morning coffee) but what God wants us to realize is that some of the darkest stuff in our lives, (sin, addiction, etc.) needs to be completely transformed. Not just bandaided (word?). So, when I am struggling with something I try to fix it by having a goal: "Tomorrow I will absolutely positively not ever gossip again" the problem with this is that the second that I fail I feel shame  and guilt and darn if if I don't have to start right back over again. So then I say, "no, tomorrow I will not struggle with comparing myself to those stupid skinny airbrushed ladies that plague billboards and magazines (most recently a TV commercial during prime time). Then when I find myself struggling again...dang it! I know "I" can do this. BUT!!!!! Oh YEAH! I am redeemed! Chosen! Adopted! Forgiven! Cleansed! Set Free! and I can't do anything! Only He can. Can anyone sense my sense of urgency on this? So here's what I'm saying:
We gotta strive every single day to know Him more. We have to have the sword of the spirit (His word) always on our minds and on our lips. We need to check in with Him daily and see where we are at. A lot of times my only prayer is for Him to, "Search my heart and see if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting" Psalm 139:24 Do not give up hope for He is light in the darkest places of you. Do not lose heart. I urge all of us (myself included) to seek Him fervently every moment of every single day. He is all we need and more than enough for me!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Austin Distance Challenge

My original goal was to run a marathon this year. Then I decided that just maybe I should run a half marathon first. Then I ran into a man who told me about the Austin Distance Challenge and how if I chose to commit to it I would run a total of 6 races over 5 months finishing with the Motorola Marathon in February. 

I completed the first race yesterday finishing 516 out of 595 for the Distance challenge part. I must say that I am a little dissapointed by how far back I was in the rankings BUT am very satisfied that I finished 6.2 miles in just over an hour (1:05:09.0).

Out of all 723 women that participated in yesterdays race I got 544th
Out of all 1589 people who ran the race yesterday I placed 1341st. I beat 248 people! WHOO HOO!

The fastest person finished in 33.20 (WOW)

Needless to say people take this stuff seriously! I am blessed to be a part of it! 
You can follow my results on Go Jenny Go

Races to Come

  • IBM Uptown Classic 10K – Oct. 19, 2008 (COMPLETED)
  • Run for the Water 10 Miler – Nov. 9, 2008
  • Decker Challenge Half Marathon – Dec. 7, 2008
  • RunTex On the Square 20 Miler – Jan. 11, 2009
  • 3M Half Marathon – Jan. 25, 2009
  • AT&T Austin Marathon – Feb. 15, 2009

  • Tuesday, October 14, 2008

    Are you kidding me???

    workout: 4.5 mile run whoo hoo

    Breakfast: 1 cup Kashi cereal and skim milk

    Lunch: egg salad on one piece of whole wheat bread

    Snack: protein water (special K)

    Dinner: 4 oz baked chicken breast with 1/2 cup of brown rice

    after dinner snack: 2 pieces of stuffed crust pizza from pizza hut that the lady provided at our meeting...


    Food Logs

    I've been trying real hard to control what I eat but am struggling...terribly! I can work out every day but feel I "deserve" ice cream from sonic after a long run because was a long RUN!...

    Here are some other foods that I have a hard time resisting...

    Yes, the abover are Miss Ruby's Ya Ya peppers and YES I ate a whole lot of them on Saturday with a whole lot of Cream Cheese. 

    I would like to thank Jenny H for helping me to be aware of every bite that I eat every day...totally not in an obsessed kind of way. Just an aware kind of way. Maybe soon I will be able to write that it helps. I have lost 4 pounds though!!! WHOO HOOO!!

    Monday, October 13, 2008

    Running Skirts

    Whoever thought of running skirts is now my friend! I think they are so cute! yes, the pink may be a little obnoxious but I can't wait to wear mine on Sunday. I have my first 10K in north Austin on Sunday and am so very excited! It's my second ever race and I look forward to embracing what I have always loved to do! Now all I need is the top that goes with the skirt! Cheer me on!!!

    Sunday, October 12, 2008

    Lighten Up!!!

    So the brown hair is lightening up and I think I like it even more! Not too light and not too dark. So in going with the theme of color 'o hair, I would like to throw out a few things that have helped to "lighten" the weight of this world AND *sigh* breathe.

    Kyle and I had the opportunity to have dinner with Paul Orberson who is the founder of Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing. He was with another network marketing company in the early 90's called Excel Communications and with that company he became the most successful network marketer in network marketing history. He told us stories of how hard his first few years with excel were. He spoke of people he truly cared about speaking ill against his choice of work, he spoke of friends and family who said it could not be done, he spoke of prayers all alone believing that the Lord had set this task before him, he spoke of sleepless nights, empty bank accounts, and worry, and strife. He also spoke about victory, perseverance, what it feels like to fight, what it means to take the road less traveled, how is feels to be able to give. The most profound thing he said (which I believe might have changed me for life) is when he looked us straight in the eye and said, "you don't need any one's blessing over your life...if you are seeking someones blessing you are allowing them to play God in your life. The only blessing you need is from the one up above" This was pretty profound for a girl who tends to people please! It gets to me when I hear that family thinks I'm crazy or I do not feel that I get the accolades I deserve (its the truth). 

    Lord Jesus
    I thank you that my hope is in You Lord and in Your word! I thank You that we do not need to seek earthly approval because You approve of me! Thank you that I am blessed, chosen, adopted, accepted, redeemed, and forgiven but thank You Lord the most that You Love me. Thank You that You died on the cross for my transgressions and knew You had to do that from the time You came down to win. I deserve nothing but hell. Thank you that those who hope in the Lord will find new strength. Thank you that we will walk and not grow weary. Thank you that we will run and not faint. Thank You that you keep me grounded. Thank you that you help me throw off anything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. Help me fix my eyes on YOU Jesus the AUTHOR and PERFECTER of faith! I praise You Jesus for all you've done!!!!!!

    Saturday, October 4, 2008


    liberty |ˈlibərtē|noun ( pl. -ties)1 the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views 2 the power or scope to act as one pleases

    I found myself pondering the meaning of the word that we sing in songs about our nation by the age of around 4. It occurred to me that I wasn't completely certain of what the full definition of Liberty was but I have found that it is exactly this word that I have been searching my heart about. No, this is not a blog about politics or how great I think that Palin is. This my friend is a blog about STRONGHOLDS. I will go ahead and give you the definition of this as well. Its kinda frightening: 
    stronghold |ˈstrô ng ˌhōld|noun a place that has been fortified so as to protect it against attack.• a place where a particular cause or belief is strongly defended or upheld
    something that protects it (us) from attack. This is crazy! There are few things in my life that I have had a terrible time trying to shake but I had no idea that it had anything to do with something that I was trying to protect, strongly defend, or uphold! WOW! So I have been searching my heart a lot lately. I am trying to make sure that I am not wasting the very gifts that God has given me. (Remember the Parable of the Talents Matthew 25:14-28) I know that strongholds hold us back and I do not want to be held back. I have been taught LIBERTY! (do you see where I am going with this?) I want to be free and twirl around in a big twirly skirt without a care and sing at the top of my lungs because I am pretty good when I sing when no one is around..I promise! 
    I guess I should let you in on a little secret that is probably not much of a secret to most of you who follow this blog. A stronghold of mine is the need for approval. If none of you are around and I think something is neat at Target I will simply find a lady I have never met in all of my life and see what she thinks about such item. This might sound like a skimpy little stronghold but it really holds me back because sometimes I really want something so badly but will not proceed due to what others might say. I am making strides to eliminate such stronghold but still stumbles me at times. 
    I also thing that prejudice is a stronghold of mine. I am not talking about race, color, denomination, or even body build I am strictly talking about looking at someone and deciding whether I could be around them before they ever open their mouths. I know we all do this. Sometimes we won't walk down a certain isle in the store because "prejudice" is standing there and looks kind of shady. (am I making sense). I don't want things like that holding me back at all. What if that is the person that I am supposed to spread the love of God to? And I what? Miss it because of something stupid like a dumb fear like being attacked? Wow, we cannot operate like that well at all my friend. 
    Depression is another one of my mine. If I don't answer my phone on Monday I might just be busy but if you have not heard back from me by Saturday I might be feeling sorry for myself or I might not be able to respond. Whew..I said it. Things do get a little dark in this heart of mine but its okay right? I've been through a lot. My family and myself have been through a lot. It's..well..justfied (INSERT BIG LOUD WRONG ANSWER ON A GAME SHOW BUZZER HERE) No Way! I need to stop dwelling on the dang past and live for today! 
    I guess the whole point is that we want Liberty but we have strongholds and we must be willing to be honest with ourselves and stop trying to be perfect. 

    I think Pink sang it best, "So what I'm still a rock star, I got my rock moves, and I don't need you. So what I'm having more fun. Now that we're done. Im gonna show you" 

    So, So what you stupid strongholds you! I'm still a rockstar