Saturday, November 5, 2011

What is in a Name?

Today is day 20 of my 21 day challenge and I've really enjoyed writing every day. I'm just curious about how I can get my blog out there more. I've always been a bit concerned about my blog title because I know "running", as in physical activity, is not appealing to most. I bet I miss a lot of people based on that fact alone. I briefly changed my blog title to Childress Chatter but I changed it back because it just didn't fit me. I'd like some suggestions for new titles. I like Julie's "Four Sons" blog title because it it tells me with its name that she has adventures to share.
I like Crystal's "everything Crystalized" because it's her name and tells of a point of view.
Other blog titles I like are:
Life Shiny Side Up
Plum Skinny

Bottom line: I want something catchy that broadens my horizons. I'm more than a runner y'all!

Bring it


  1. Titles are hard. Some of my favorites are "Airing My Dirty Laundry One Sock at a Time", "Domestically Challenged", "Mommy Dearest Strikes Again", "Postcards from Insanity"- OK I see a theme going on here. What does that say about me? (If you want the links to these blogs let me know. They're some of my favorites!"

    Also, join in some blog carnivals and comment on the other link-ups. That is the #1 way I have gotten followers.

  2. "Fit for Life" "Faith, Fit, Free" "In the Life of Jenny C" "Beautiful History"

    Not great at thinking up things like this, but who knows.... Hope this helps :)

    Love ya girl!!

  3. Maybe you should make a list of all things you love to eat, do, make, see, etc. Then see what strike out to you. Then fiddle around with words. That is the best I can come with.
