Friday, December 2, 2011

10 Months

Kennedy Kate! You are 10 months old already! How did this happen so fast? You are so so sweet and full of personality. Here are some more great things about you:
You love books
You laugh and laugh at daddy
You wear 12-18 month clothes now
You still wear a size 3 diaper
You take an 8 ounce bottle first thing in the morning and 3 other 6 ounce bottles throughout the day
You eat 3 meals a day and snacks
You love to feed yourself
You love the Christmas tree and try to steal all of the ornaments
You are pulling up and crawling everywhere
You have 4 teeth. 2 top 2 bottom
New words: "WOW" & what ever "doh doh doy doy doy" means
You dance to music
My favorite thing: You clap!
You sleep (most nights) from 10pm to 8am
You still take 3 naps a day. Must cut out that evening nap ASAP but you seem exhausted at 6pm

You are so full of life and fun! We love you so much!!!

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