Friday, June 12, 2009


Momma always said that the truth will set you free. So, here it comes!!! I have lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks with P90X. I think I should have done MUCH better than that but I'm having trouble taming my sweet tooth (sweets aren't allowed for 90 days and I have indulged more than twice). This week I was pretty fed up with working out in my little 5X8 space in front of the T.V. in my apartment living room. I just HAD to go for a run. Well, this has officially unleashed my love for running again (the Lord deserves a shout of "glory") so this is what I have decided. I am no longer going to be following the P90X plan. I am tweaking it to fit my running needs (runner's high is true ya know?) but maintaining 6 workouts per week. I will keep up with the weights/resistance workouts as scheduled but instead of using their cardio plan I will stick with my San Antonio Marathon Training. This calls for a total renaming of my new workout regimen. It's now called M90X. Marathon90X. X meaning "Extreme" and to "Bring It" I'm bringing it all right. Right to the starting line of the San Antonio Rock'N Roll on November 15th.I'll try real hard to stick with the P90X eating plan too! I'm feeling great! 

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