Friday, November 6, 2009

I Need This

I am convinced that the SAMSUNG DualView TL225 was invented just for me..Or people like me! Christmas present maybe? I. Think.So!!

and..I might change my hair a little too much :)


  1. Nah, your hair is part of your personality....ever evolving! It matches YOU! And yes, the camera was made for you. LOL. LOVE YOU!

  2. I like the orange around here... And, I hope Santa brings you one of those :)

  3. HaHA... true that... and sad I didn't make the cut! :( Hope you get one of these! :)

  4. haha, I love the change in hairstyles here! I love those cameras too, I really think you should get one, it would be perfect for you and your picture style :)
