Monday, August 13, 2012

What a Weekend

This weekend was supposed to be an exciting one with even a trip to the beach planned. On Thursday we drove to Victoria, TX to build our team there and then hopped on 59 North to head to Richmond to spend some time with my mom. On Friday we had a meeting at a Luby's off of 290 & Tidwell in Houston and added 4 new members to our team! That evening we ate Mexican food with my mom and began packing the car for our trip to Surf Side beach the next morning. Those plans all changed at 1:30am Saturday morning when our angel baby woke up throwing up and sick. I have never seen anything so sweet and pitiful at the same time. I think this whole event was meant to be because we ended up spending Saturday in our PJ's at my mom's house snuggling, watching the Olympics, and loving on Kennedy Kate. It was relaxing to not have anywhere to be or go. On Sunday I got up and went to church with my mom while Kyle stayed at my mom's house and kept Kennedy. After church we went to my Aunt Candy's house to celebrate my grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary. How awesome! Kennedy felt terrible when we got there but instantly changed her mood when she saw the buffet of chips and queso and guacamole. She is a little lady after my own heart! She would take her little chips and dip them just right and say, "yum yum" and then sip on her Pedilite. At 4 we headed back home to our house and Kennedy was fast asleep by 9pm. Even though this weekend was not what we had planned it was a true blessing to care for our little one in her time of need. Don't you know that God feels like that about us ALL THE TIME!!!

How awesome!

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