Monday, October 24, 2011

False Security

Every day I am amazed at how attached people are to their jobs, benefits, and "security". It's scary really. Every day I am amazed at people who pray for a financial answer but aren't willing to work for it or step outside the "box". Every day I am amazed by people who are highly "educated" & show elitism towards the "lesser". Every single day I'm faced with whiners, complainers, and skeptics. Every single day is full of questions, concerns, and people facing the economic crisis with nothing left to give. But EVERY SINGLE DAY I carry with me, by my side, the God of the universe that conquered all. He is a lamp to my feet in this dark dark world and has called me to LOVE everyone He's placed in my path. My "job" description might be "network marketing" for a company who's mission statement is to, "help others achieve their financial goals and life dreams" but my life and purpose is to show others the way to FULL ON FULL BLOWN SECURITY in CHRIST JESUS. He is all we need. An ever present help in trouble. Don't put your hope in your job or education or money or false security. He is all we need and it's my mission to share Him with every one in my path. Every. Single. Day.

*and thank you Jesus for the leaders I work with who don't complain and are on this mission with us. It's a pleasure!

1 comment:

  1. Love these words: "He is all we need. An ever present help in trouble. Don't put your hope in your job or education or money or false security. He is all we need and it's my mission to share Him with every one in my path. Every. Single. Day."

    That is so true of every Christian. Our mission is to His glory through us for others to see. Gives me a chill just writing that. What a mission to be on, huh? Love ya!!!
