Sunday, October 9, 2011


Go here first:

I absolutely love this idea/concept/lifestyle

I like this one the best and LOVE that it could be ours for less than $60,000 (I might still have some work to do with Kyle on this)

Y'all know from my project 333 posts that I've (we've) been on a journey for simplicity since the birth of our baby girl. In many ways God has used Kennedy to show me what's really important in life. Since her birth we have sold:
KitchenAid mixer
All of our DVDs (ok we kept 5 we couldn't live without)
About 150 CD's
My Lucchesse boots
4 Coach purses
2 Coach Wristlets
2 Guitars
Our Coffee table
An antique furniture set
2 vintage chairs
A lot of jewelry
Over 200 items of clothing
Over 100 household decorative items
A 2006 Mazda3
And most recently our big screen TV.

I say all that to say this:
Life is better simple. I've been much more productive without that big TV (we still have a small tv upstairs).

Selling these items has allowed us to add more than $2500 to an emergency fund, pay off $3500 in debt, and place more of our attention on what's really important to us in this life. With an extremely important desire to give of our time and money our focus is still to be debt free by Spring (April 2012).

We are asking for prayer and encouragement as we enter this very last leg of our debt snowball marathon. And please keep your "they sold that?!?" gasps to your selves. We've felt like we live in a pressure cooker because of the mountain of debt we've tackled and if you haven't faced close to $100,000 in debt I pray you never will.

So excuse me while I'm focused.


  1. We did it.. And YOU CAN TOO
    As Dave says, "normal is broke!" so don't be "normal"!!
    Love you :)

  2. Okay, honesty...not liking the tumbleweed houses. LOL. But I am sooo proud of you simplifying your life. Its a true commitment and inspiration. I will be praying for you!!! Xoxoxoxo
