Wednesday, December 28, 2011

11 Months

I can't believe our sweet Kennedy Kate is already 11 months old? Where did the time go! You are officially down to 2 naps a day and sleeping from about 9-9. This schedule is MUCH better for everyone and you seem much happier throughout the day. I'm really excited about planning your first birthday party which will be a barnyard bash since you love animals so much. You are cutting more teeth and still growing like a weed. You haven't gained much weight lately but I know it's just because you are on the move. You love to be chased around the living room while crawling away from mommy or daddy so very fast. You started standing on your own on Monday and I believe will be walking soon.

You are so very dear to us! We love you very very much

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

6am: shower get ready
7am: Wake up Kennedy
715: Little perfect Christmas with Kyle, Kennedy, & me
745: Arrive at Kyle's parents
8: breakfast
830-930: gift exchange which was a blast
930-noon: playing with Kennedy and all her sweet gifts
Noon-2: lunch & grazing on desserts
2: started watching True Grit by the fire & naps

Plans for later:
850 showing of Sherlock Holmes with friends who are dear to my heart.

Merry Christmas! It's been the best one yet!

Oh, and our chocolate lab Jingle Belle turned 2 today. Happy birthday Belley Brown

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Totally resting today. It's been very nice to cuddle up with my little family and coffee and hot chocolate. We are excited about spending Christmas day with Kyle's amazing parents tomorrow.

Merry Christmas!

Here are more pictures from the week:

Friday, December 23, 2011

Snap Shots

Here are a few precious pictures of my nephew Landon & our girl Kennedy. I love them so much!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday was a great day and "Christmas" at my dad and Diane's house in Seguin. I gained 2 pounds. That should tell you how great it was :) We had a wonderful lunch, exchanged gifts, and played all afternoon. It was so much fun to watch Landon and Kennedy interact. They are becoming little buddies! It was such a great day.

Thursday my mom came to our house in Austin and surprised me with the best surprise. She handed me a very heavy box and kept telling me to open it all day. I kept putting it off because I like Christmas to last longer. I finally opened the box to find HER WHOLE LIBERTY FALLS COLLECTION! This might sound boring to some but to the girl who went to Dillard's every week with her momma to get a new little house for the collection and then strategically placed the new house in it's new place in our Christmas village It's THE most perfect gift! I'm still in shock! Yay! I LOVE them and pray that Kennedy will cherish them as much as I do.

Merry Merry

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Quick Trip

A quick trip to Houston with Kennedy Kate on Monday did my soul good. The book I've been working on is my testimony and I've learned that to move forward in complete freedom I've gotta deal with some stuff instead of my normal (unhealthy) mindset of "Gotta Run" (see the blog title really does need some changing). So I thought and prayed some things out and im taking some steps I'll fill you in on soon.
Kennedy loved visiting with her Grandma, aunt Lindsey, cousins Landon, Valentina, & Alek, Aunt Candy, & great grandma & grandpa. She's such a trooper and didn't get grumpy at all. It was a quick trip that ended with me taking Lindsey and Landon to my dads in Seguin and I loved every second. Today we celebrate all that is Christmas with my dad and step mom Diane. Can't wait!

"Hope is here!
Shout the news to everyone
It's a new day peace has come
Jesus saves"
-Lyrics from Jeremy Camp Jesus Saves

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Festivities Begin

Denton with Kyle's dads side of the family was fabulous!
We have enjoyed so many things like:

The crammed family car ride with 5 adults, a baby, & all the stuff that comes with that.
Staying up late.
Sleeping in.
A gift exchange.
The Pioneer Woman's Christmas special.
So much fun!

How has your weekend been so far?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Life Planner

I don't care how great technology becomes in the future I will always use a day planner pencil paper system for my scheduling. There's something satisfying about writing what needs to be done down and crossing things off the list. I can't wait for my personalized Erin Condren 2012 Life Planner to get here. I've waited several months for it and my husband thinks being this excited over a day planner is ridiculous. He'll thank me for keeping our family organized soon enough. Go to click on calendars and then on life planners. There's a video you can watch too!

Merry Christmas to me from my loving loving husband!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Stepping Up

I'm really excited about launching me (but it's not about me) Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere with FHTM I just got an idea on a run and I've decided to go with it. Today I launched a "social media & your business" class in Austin and 30 people SHOWED UP!!!! So I guess the official launch of Jenny Childress Communications is launched. AND several people asked if I would be willing to work with them individually on branding themselves through social media sites! So fun! Please pray! I was frustrated one day because I want to be crafty and make stuff and earn money by doing my talent like many of my friends do (but I'm in NO WAY crafty) and I heard a voice deep inside say, "you're real good at talking. And inspiring. And Facebook. Why not?" and I went with it. I'm also in the process of working on my very first short book for Jenny Childress Ministries because let's face it: I was called to ministry in the fall of 2003 and I can't ignore that call anymore! God has awoken my soul and set my feet upon a rock and I'm just thrilled about this life I'm called to.

"I will rise when You call my name. No more sorrow no more pain I will rise on eagles wings. Before my God fall on my knees and rise" -Chris Tomlin

Please pray!

And this girl is cute in a Christmas hat :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Days

Here are a few fun pictures I've snapped of Christmas around here so far. I'm loving having a little girl to love on during the holidays!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


You do know there's an app for iPhone for Blogger right? That's how I've been blogging most these days. I'm writing this post on my phone on my couch with a chocolate lab and cup of coffee in my lap (that's talent y'all). I love it! I find this the easiest way to blog with pictures because you can upload them straight from your iPhone picture library to your blog. Brilliant.

Happy blogging

Friday, December 2, 2011

10 Months

Kennedy Kate! You are 10 months old already! How did this happen so fast? You are so so sweet and full of personality. Here are some more great things about you:
You love books
You laugh and laugh at daddy
You wear 12-18 month clothes now
You still wear a size 3 diaper
You take an 8 ounce bottle first thing in the morning and 3 other 6 ounce bottles throughout the day
You eat 3 meals a day and snacks
You love to feed yourself
You love the Christmas tree and try to steal all of the ornaments
You are pulling up and crawling everywhere
You have 4 teeth. 2 top 2 bottom
New words: "WOW" & what ever "doh doh doy doy doy" means
You dance to music
My favorite thing: You clap!
You sleep (most nights) from 10pm to 8am
You still take 3 naps a day. Must cut out that evening nap ASAP but you seem exhausted at 6pm

You are so full of life and fun! We love you so much!!!