My sister-in-law Kelly Paige is getting married on August 27th and I am getting so excited! There is so much to be done and I'm just talking about for my family and me:
Tomorrow: eye doctor appointment that I dread every single year. I need lasik. now. bad. #sickofmessingwithit & on the hunt for the perfect pair of not too tall silver wedge shoes for wedding party & a rehearsal dinner dress (have I mentioned that I am almost as excited about the rehearsal dinner as I am this wedding? It's going to be grand y'all)
Saturday: highlights/hair trim/pedicure YES! & helping KP & RP move into their house if they want my help. PS: have to work a 3.5 mile run in at some point this day
Sunday-Wednesday: some major working for this momma. Have I mentioned that this shouldn't make you feel bad for me because I absolutely L.O.V.E. what I do for a living?
Thursday & Friday: I'm at the bride's side if she needs me. I am making myself available for any task, errand, etc. and of course the rehearsal dinner on Friday :)
Saturday: THE BIG DAY. Hair & Make up HERE and then HERE for the celebration of my favorite couple to ever marry (sorry folks..I'm bias). I am SO SO SO blessed to be KP's sister-in-law AND Russell is so So SO blessed to be marrying into the Childress family. They are the best people around. No really. It's true.
Can you tell I've had coffee, and a run, and am unstoppable? Angel girl is napping so now I will go on with my plans to conquer today!
Thank you Lord for times of celebration and joy and love and just YOU. You rock my world & are the rock of my world.
Gotta Run
Hope your weekend goes smoothly!!