I began my second trimester officially on July 14th! I can now eat anything and everything and do not feel nauseous which is a HUGE blessing! I find myself getting irritable and impatient more often than not but am learning to manage this for my husbands sake :) I dreamt last night that I am having twin boys. Huh? We have another appointment on Monday, July 26th at 9:15 AM but we still have to wait a while to find out if our little peach is a boy or a girl.
Fetal Growth Rate
Your fetus is now about three inches long, the size of a peach — and half of that length is head. By the time your baby is ready to make his or her entrance into the world, the head will be only one-fourth as large as the body.
Your baby is about three inches long and the size of a peach at 13 weeks pregnant. But don't compare your fetus with the fetus next door. Starting about now, babies begin growing at different paces, some faster than others, some more slowly, though they all follow the same developmental path. Growing at a universally breakneck speed now is your baby's body as it tries to catch up to the head in terms of size. Though your baby's head is about half the size of its body now, by the time your baby is ready to make his or her entrance into the world, the head will be only one-fourth as large as the body.
Your baby's intestines are also in for some big changes right now. Up till this point, they've been growing in a cavity inside the umbilical cord; but now they're moving to their permanent (and more conveniently located) address, in your baby's abdomen. And to serve your growing baby's needs, the placenta is also growing. It weighs about an ounce now and will weigh one to two pounds at birth (something else you'll soon be able to blame your weight gain on!).
Also developing this week: your baby's vocal chords. Because sound can't travel through your uterus (your baby's current habitat), you won't be able to hear any sounds or cries just yet, but oh boy (or girl) — those vocal chords will get a good workout once that baby is born.
Thanks to 3 dear friends I should start to look better when I hit the town for meetings and whatnot! Crystal Gelber gave me a big sack of maternity clothes :), Helen McDonald has a sack of clothes ready for me in Seguin, and Kristin Cox has several maternity shirts for me! I've got to hit the mall and find me some long maternity dress pants. Does anyone have any tips? Motherhood Maternity did not have my length. I'm tired of wearing my white Target skirt :)
I found some decently priced long dress pants at Destination Maternity (I-10 and Wurzbach) in San Antonio... it may me a long drive for you but could be worth it!
Hi there little peaches! I can't wait to meet you!