I'm rushing to get this post in before the end of the day! This morning I met with Ashley S. at the Starbucks in Kyle, TX to discuss chapters 4 & 5 of Ms. Understood by Jen Hatmaker. I'm not sure if we got many of the Bible study questions answered but I had a chance to open up to and also learn about Ashley S.. Ashley and I met last summer at a pool when I recognized a mutual friend of hers that she was there swimming with. We became facebook friends later that day, had lunch the next day, and began a journey of friendship that neither one of us knew was coming. In the fall of 2010, I invited Ashley and her husband to visit our wonderful church family at MBC. A few months later they joined the church, Ashley and I began meeting weekly to study God's word, we attended Women Of Faith conference in Houston, and were able to be in the same TEAMS group. TEAMS is another post for another day and absolutely fab! What I like about Ashley S. the best is that she makes me better. She brings out the best in me, accepts the worst, calls me out if I'm wrong, loves me for me, makes me laugh, pushes me toward a deeper relationship with the Lord, shares who she is, and is an answer to prayer. When I got in my car after meeting today I found it fitting that the song on the radio was Rascal Flatts It Feels Like Today. Today was a breath of fresh air that I've needed. It's time for me to step up and finish the things I've been called to do. I'm thankful for a friend who reminds me of those things and won't let me stop until they are completed.
Wow! I am in awe. God has truly blessed us both with each others friendship! I have been crying for the past 5 minutes, tears of joy and blessings! God has brought together a beautiful friendship and I can't wait for it to continue to grow. God has called you to greatness and I want to help you get there. We shall be warriors together! Remember God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called. Let's get this thing going! Love you!