Friday, August 14, 2009

Ten Steps

I found this today and just feel like I should share it. All of the below is by Joyce Meyer (one of my favorite Christian authors and speakers)

Ten Steps to Building Confidence: Joyce Meyer

  1. Never speak negatively about yourself
  2. Celebrate the positive
  3. Avoid comparisons
  4. Focus on potential, not limitations
  5. Exercise your gift
  6. Have the courage to be different
  7. Learn to cope with criticism
  8. Determine your own worth
  9. Keep your flaws in perspective
  10. Discover the true source of confidence
Daily Prayer while learning confidence:

"I am the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ. I prosper in everything I lay my hand to. I have gifts and talents and God is using me. I operate in the fruit of the Spirit. I walk in love. Joy flows through me. I eat right. I look good. I feel good. I weigh exactly what I should weigh."

1 comment:

  1. Love it. I am going to copy and pass this on to a certian person (His name starts with a D). He could really use this information right now. Thanks. I appreciate and truly admire your spirit. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. Love ya!
