Who's In?
Last fall most of you started reading about the series of races that I was challenging myself to. I completed all six with the ultimate accomplishment of ending the series with completion of the Austin Marathon. I started looking online the other day for the new schedule and it doesn't seem to be up yet but I would like my readers to consider joining me on this adventure (as in challenging yourself to complete the series as well). Judging from last years schedule the series should begin in mid October and WILL work you up to completion of a marathon if and when you stick with it. First race is a 10K (6.2 miles). Who's in!??
Since I had not a single comment on this post I am going to go ahead and assume it was because of the news that I had that horrible flu (and not that you just have no interest whatsoever in running 6 races with a marathon at the end) so here it is. THE schedule for the 2009-2010 Austin Distance Challenge.
1. Sunday, Oct. 18, 2009: IBM Uptown Classic 10K
2. Sunday, Nov. 8, 2009: Run for the Water 10 Miler
3. Sunday, Dec. 6, 2009: ARC Decker Half Marathon
4. Sunday, Jan. 10, 2010: RunTex Twenty Miler
5. Sunday, Jan. 24, 2010: 3M Half Marathon
6. Sunday, Feb. 14, 2010: Austin Marathon & Half Marathon
If you are participating in the Austin Distance Challenge, you must own your ChampionChip. More information and official rules may be found at: http://www.austindistancechallenge.com/
I love you very dearly, sweetie, but I can't even run a mile. I am still trying to walk in a good time. I have reached 1.16 miles in 25 minutes. Still working on it though. I love you and you KNOW you have my support and prayers!!!!!