Its the award for completing all 6 races in the Austin Distance Challenge and it helps me keep on running. This past Sunday I completed the 10 mile run for the water which is the second of the six races. I have 4 more runs to go and am now even more motivated because after the last race they handed me 2 patches that can be sewn on to... THE JACKET!!! It kinda reminds me of girl scouts and patches and I am just so excited!!! After the first race (the 10 K) I started to doubt myself but am exhilarated to keep on running.
When I hit the 8 mile mark of the ten mile race this weekend something extraordinary happened to me. I have never ever in my life run farther than 8 miles so I knew that every step after that was on uncharted territory (for me). I felt tired but somehow ecstatic! About that time Jeremy Camps, "Restored" began to play on my IPOD and I got goose bumps all over me. I can't even describe what I felt all over me. Some would call it "runners high" for me I know it was the Lord. I have never felt closer to Him in all of my life and I give Him all the glory for every step that I was able to accomplish on Sunday. I praise Him because He knows me better than me and that He knows just how excited and motivated I would be because of a patch. He thrills me like no other and I think He wants His children to try hard stuff. He wants us to keep pressing on. Here are the lyrics of that song that He spoke to me so clearly on my run!
All this time I've wandered around
Searching for the things I'll never know
I've been searching for this answer that
Only will be found in Your love
And I feel it my heart is being mended by Your touch
And I hear it Your voice that's shown my purpose in this world
You have restored me from my feeble and broken soul
You have restored me (2x)
I've only come to realize my strength will be made perfect at Your throne
Laying all reflections down to see the precious beauty that You've shown
And I feel it my heart is being mended by Your touch
And I hear it Your voice that's shown my purpose in this world
You have restored me from my feeble and broken soul
You have restored me (2x)
Laying all these questions down
You've answered what I need
You've given more than I deserve
You're making me complete
You've given all these open doors
I'm humbled at Your feet
Because of what You've done for me
Searching for the things I'll never know
I've been searching for this answer that
Only will be found in Your love
And I feel it my heart is being mended by Your touch
And I hear it Your voice that's shown my purpose in this world
You have restored me from my feeble and broken soul
You have restored me (2x)
I've only come to realize my strength will be made perfect at Your throne
Laying all reflections down to see the precious beauty that You've shown
And I feel it my heart is being mended by Your touch
And I hear it Your voice that's shown my purpose in this world
You have restored me from my feeble and broken soul
You have restored me (2x)
Laying all these questions down
You've answered what I need
You've given more than I deserve
You're making me complete
You've given all these open doors
I'm humbled at Your feet
Because of what You've done for me
:) great job, jen! Love you!