I have come to the conclusion as to how I will be running my 10 mile race on Sunday. Some would ask, "don't you just run?" but no. There has to be some sort of strategy especially when trying to accomplish a distance you have never run before. My friend Sara originally said that she will be running for 5 minutes/walking 1 minute and so on and so forth for 10 miles. I was agreeing with her on her game plan but today felt really unsettled about it. So here is what I have decided:
I will walk only at water stations AND for no longer than one minute.
Whew! I feel much better now!
Somehow I felt like I was cheating myself if I agreed to run 5 walk 1. I can live with my race decision now and no longer feel like a cheater. Now for the question of the night: Will anyone be around RUNTEX tomorrow between 10AM and 6PM???? I will not be in town during that time to pick up my running packet for Saturday and would owe the person who could pick this up for me BIG TIME!!!!!!!
Thanks and Goodnight!
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