I completed the first race yesterday finishing 516 out of 595 for the Distance challenge part. I must say that I am a little dissapointed by how far back I was in the rankings BUT am very satisfied that I finished 6.2 miles in just over an hour (1:05:09.0).
Out of all 723 women that participated in yesterdays race I got 544th
Out of all 1589 people who ran the race yesterday I placed 1341st. I beat 248 people! WHOO HOO!
The fastest person finished in 33.20 (WOW)
Needless to say people take this stuff seriously! I am blessed to be a part of it!
You can follow my results on Go Jenny Go
Races to Come
Hey you! Just wanted to say I'm proud of you. Guess what! I ran 15 minutest straight yesterday.. then walked/jogged off and on. I've never been much of a distance runner, so 15 minutes felt great! :)