Saturday, February 9, 2013


Whew.. I really don't know where to begin. No matter where I start you may feel like I have thrown up all over you by the end of this post. If you are in no mood for TMI do not proceed.


On January 24th at 12:41pm we resigned from our beloved business after 5 years to pursue other opportunities and really just to move forward to a new chapter in life.

After crying until 6pm we called our mentors in business and decided to retract our letter of resignation and just wait it out to see how and just see how things go.

On Monday, January 28th the company we have been a part of since September of 2007 was shut down by the FTC until February 7th so they could complete an investigation ohmyno. 

From January 28th- Present we have flipped and flopped about what to do and I think I even suffered from a midlife crisis last Saturday which sent me into a kind of nesting mode which makes my house the most organized it's EVER been...well since Kennedy was born 2 years ago ahem.

On February 7th- Our company filed a continuance asking for more time and a new court date was set for March 13 so now we are waiting that out.

Kyle is working a full time job. I am working 2 part time jobs. And we have a HUGE peace about our life and where we are headed! Hallelujah! 

We have had several new business opportunities offered to us and though it is amazing to have many options I do not feel that I can make a choice on whether or not or which one or if at all until the final say of our current business has its day in court on March 13th. (I am Loyal maybe to a fault. I am a retriever personality you know). 

I do have so many dreams in my heart and I want to pursue those for sure! I think that being in business for ourselves for the last 5 years has been such a blessing to us because it forced us out of our comfort zones and gave us the confidence needed to start any endeavor on our hearts. We are taking this time to truly rest in the Lord and pray on what He wants for our lives. It has been such a time of renewal that I have no words yet to put to that process yet but someday I know that I will have them.

Thank you for following my journey and I ask that you please pray for both of us during this time of waiting and working and seeking the Lord's desires for our us.

Oh, and I'm 29 today. Here's to the last year of my 20's I want to close them out big! (pic from birthday lunch with dad & Diane)

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