Monday, September 17, 2012

The Hurt & The Healer

The Lord is definitely working on my life and I am praising Him for that. A few weeks ago I heard the song The Hurt & The Healer by MercyMe and felt led to send it out to several friends who are struggling with various things in life. The song amazed me in some way that only now I can describe. I've been there. I am there. I am in need of The Healer. The part of the song that gets to me is: 
When the hurt and the healer collide

It’s the moment when humanity
Is overcome by majesty
When grace is ushered in for good
And all our scars are understood
When mercy takes its rightful place
And all these questions fade away
When out of the weakness we must bow
And hear You say “It’s over now”  I'm Alive!

I keep picturing a runner who is getting closer to the finish line and is sprinting with all that they have to finish strong. I picture The Healer standing and waiting. I picture the runner hitting The Healer head on with all of their might and every ounce of pain, fear, hurt, anger, sin, etc. falls to the ground as the Healer embraces His child. That's what Jesus did for us the day that He died on that cross. That's what He did when He rose three days later like He said He would. That's what He will do when He comes back like He says He will AND that power and life and freedom is available to us today right now as you read these very words. We don't have to live in defeat because He already died for that. We don't have to bear our sins because Jesus took those on. We don't have to worry or strive or fear or walk in depression. There is victory in Jesus and He saved my life! Thank you Lord that You collided with me when I was just 16 years old and wanted nothing more but to fit in. Thank you Lord. I choose to walk in Your light today! 

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