Thursday, January 5, 2012


I guess it's the new year change but I am craving a makeover. I want brown hair again but every time I go brown I regret it soon after and then find myself going back to a blondie. I should know myself by now but I am still very tempted to go and get brown hair. Probably won't. With that being said I am officially in line for a blogger makeover. I am really excited to see my new layout and blog title. I have gone through some training for social media and have decided that for what I want to achieve in the future my blog title needs to be my name. You'll love how I incorporated the blog title that was voted on a few months back.

I appreciate each of you that read and participate in my life and am just thankful.

My friend Lauren over at The Rescued Home had the following to say about 2011:
"As I reflected on all God did and all we accomplished I kept coming back to this question. Did I love well? I read this quote somewhere and I feel it captures my desire for life, 'I’m not too concerned with what I am going to do. I am more interested in who I am becoming. I WANT TO BE A LOVER OF GOD AND PEOPLE.'"

I think I'll make that my sentence for 2012. A makeover of heart if you will: because I’m not too concerned with what I am going to do. I am more interested in who I am becoming. I WANT TO BE A LOVER OF GOD AND PEOPLE

Thank you Lord for a brand new start!

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