Kennedy Kate woke up this morning at 6 and took a 7 ounce bottle in about 8 minutes and was back to sleep until 9:30. I woke up and headed to her room at her first few sounds but when I arrived she was back asleep so I got to enjoy an extra hour to myself this morning with coffee from my favorite mug.
Watching this bothered me because I know what the definition of reasonable doubt is. I would not have been able to give a guilty verdict either. I do agree that Caylee needs justice so please don't take my heart wrong.
Kennedy went down for a nap at 1:30 and Kyle and I got ready for our San Antonio meeting. At 3 I had to wake Kennedy up and we headed to YaYa and Papa John's house so that she could spend time with them while we worked. Our meeting went great and we were back with our baby girl by 8:30pm. Now at home we have enjoyed a wonderful dinner of chicken spaghetti, Kennedy is fast asleep for the night, and I am finishing this blog post. Maybe tomorrow will be a much more exciting day. Can't wait to see what Wednesday holds.
Jenny, motherhood suits you. You look very happy! :)