Wednesday, December 22, 2010

35 & 1

The countdown to delivery I have on my phone says that we are four weeks and 6 days away from being parents. This week im just plain excited. I wish that Kennedy Kate could be here to partake in all of the Christmas festivities but I know that her first Christmas next year (as an 11 month old) will be so very fun! I'll have an extra Christmas cookie for her to enjoy this year.

This is the second Christmas in a row that I haven't felt a longing for a sense of home. Those of you who come from a divorced parents background will understand what I am talking about. Kyle and I now have established traditions which include: buying Christmas tree ornaments from Cracker Barrel at a VERY discounted price the day after Christmas, sending out Christmas cards, hanging the Christmas cards we receive from others around the fireplace, a trip to Santa's Ranch, and pancakes at Ihop on Christmas Eve :) We can't wait to see how these traditions change now that we will be starting our new little family. I wonder how much things will really change once Kennedy Kate is here?

Today some friends of ours, Darrell and Crystal Gelber, will be celebrating the arrival of their second child and first little girl! We can't wait to meet you Lexie!! Please pray for Crystal's labor and delivery.

I will skip the "what's up with your baby" info that I typically give from and tell you that this week Kennedy is just putting on weight (and so is mommy).

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 35 &1 Weeks
Size of baby: a LARGE Cantelope
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 40 pounds
Maternity Clothes: 90% maternity
Gender: It's a girl!!! Kennedy Kate
Movement: Head down and moving a lot
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty good!
What I miss: sleeping on my stomach, running, fitting in regular jeand
Cravings: Mexican and Milk
Symptoms: Mostly tiredness, a few Braxton Hicks
Best Moment this week: We have everything we need (as of now) except for my breast bump. Those things are pricey :)


  1. Ahhhh, this post made me smile so big! That's all so exciting. Praying for a healthy and happy delivery in the Gelber family and praying for a merry Christmas and healthy end-of-pregnancy for you and your cute little family :)

  2. Hey Jenny, you can rent a breast pump from the hospital that you deliver at :). You will just need to buy all the attachments, pumping is time consuming but it helps keep your milk supply up.

    Wishing you, Kyle, and Kennedy a very Merry Christmas!!
