This weekend has left me full of joy and needing a weekend to recover. I love weekends like that.
On Saturday I headed to Kyle, TX to help host a baby shower for my dear friend Beth who is due to have her son Nathan Robert on November 12th.

Here's the bride during rehearsal
The bride and Me at the reception. I loved Whitney's dress and the bridesmaid dress fit me just right.
Mr. and Mrs. Casey Carlson!!! I love this pic! My mother-in-law Carol made all of the bouquets for the bridesmaids and bride. They were beautiful!
Tomorrow I start my 25th week of pregnancy and also have my glucose/baby plan appointment with Dr. Rutter. Look forward to that update tomorrow afternoon. We have a full week of speaking/meetings ahead followed by a huge Texas training in San Marcos this Saturday. I will keep you updated.

Thanks for reading!
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