One month closer to meeting Kennedy Kate
Other things I am looking forward to this month:
- 2nd-5th We will be in Lexington, Kentucky at Fortune Fest! We cannot wait and are so thankful to have a house sitter for Stetson, LuLu, Shiner, and Belle. Don't even think about breaking in :)
- 10th only one month UNTIL WHITNEY MARRIES CASEY!!! SO excited for them!
- 11th HUGE training in San Antonio
- 12th MBC Pancake Breakfast to raise funds for the Women's ministry at our church AND Whitney Hanna's Bridal shower!!!
- 15th is my 21 week appointment with THE BIG important ultrasound to check for all the important parts of Kennedy Kate
- 17th is bonus check day and also the day we will be purchasing furniture for KK's room
- 18th is my friend Jami's baby shower in San Antonio. I haven't seen her in YEARS and am so excited that she invited me to attend
- 19th is TEAMS from 5-8! Thank you Ashley for hosting this months get together
- 26th is my mom's birthday! :)
Since people who write their goals down are more likely to accomplish them I will let you in on a few:
- Help at LEAST 2 people on our team have a $10,000 paycheck this month
- Help at LEAST 4 people on our team have a $4,000 paycheck this month
- Finish putting in receipts and have books complete!
- Only eat out twice a week
- Use the Dave Ramsey envelope system to stay within our written budget
- Finish 3 books
- and im keeping 7,8,9,10 to myself
Lord I give this month to You! Every day is Yours and I am thankful that You dwell there. Thank You for the people I will meet, have met, and get to work with every single day. Thank you for wonderful friends who build me up and encourage us in our endeavors and into a better relationship with You! Lord I am so thankful for Your word and Your truth and Your justice! I am so thankful for every moment of my days and I do not take a breath for granted. Teach me this month. Direct me this month. Inspire me this month. AMEN!
What books are you reading?
ReplyDeleteGreat Goals!!!!