Monday, February 15, 2010

Why I Run

  • To stay fit (or get fit)
  • vitamin D (loved running in the sun today)
  • to push myself
  • to see how far I can go
  • to beat my times
  • for a challenge
  • for a cause (Marathon for Adoption October 23rd 2010)
  • for stress relief
  • to exercise my dog Shiner
  • to pray and worship the Lord
I use The Runner's Handbook to keep me on a training schedule and the bottom 2 books are the newest tools that I am using to keep myself focused on my hobby.


  1. Ashley: I added the first book and that is the book that we will be using when we get ready to start marathon training. We will need to begin our Marathon training plan by mid May but prior to that we need to be able to run 4 miles without stopping. Im running 4 times a week and using the other 2 days for strength training.

  2. God Bless you both!!!! I will be cheering for the both of you. This butt is not made for running. LOL!
