Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pics From the Party

Top Two Tuesday

Grab My Button
Im linking up with
The topic today is the two top shows that you watch.

My winners are:

I can't wait for Big Brother to start again
American Idol which is on tonight!

I love these shows and am always eager for them to start again!

Monday, February 22, 2010


experiment: noun |ikˈsperəmənt|a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact : laboratory experiments on guinea pigs | I have tested this by experiment.a course of action tentatively adopted without being sure of the eventual outcome : the previous experiment in liberal democracy had ended in disaster.

You guessed it: I'm going to do an experiment. I will need some help from volunteers that would be willing to offer prayer, encouragement, and daily communication with me for at least 30 days.

Who's in? Comment below and those of you who agree to help will be sent an a private email telling you what I am planning for the next 30 days of my life.

I've been inspired by Bobby Bones of the 96.7 Austin radio station morning show. CLICK HERE to read but please know that my experiment has little to do with working out (though that just might be part of it).

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Oh Yes it's 80's night and the feelings right.. Tonight I got to celebrate my birthday with some of my very great friends! It was the 3rd annual birthday bash (we all have birthdays in February) for Jenny Helm, Jill Wenzel, Nocona Koenig, and me! This years theme was "80's". Since I was born in 1984 I was constantly asking questions about who or what was going on in the 80's I found my "costume" inspiration from one of my favorite movies The Wedding Singer. It's pretty close isn't it?

I'll post more pictures from the event tomorrow. I'm exhausted!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Why I Run

  • To stay fit (or get fit)
  • vitamin D (loved running in the sun today)
  • to push myself
  • to see how far I can go
  • to beat my times
  • for a challenge
  • for a cause (Marathon for Adoption October 23rd 2010)
  • for stress relief
  • to exercise my dog Shiner
  • to pray and worship the Lord
I use The Runner's Handbook to keep me on a training schedule and the bottom 2 books are the newest tools that I am using to keep myself focused on my hobby.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Be True to Your Dreams

I haven't really felt like blogging lately. I know I have a lot to catch you up on but I've felt more like reading in my evenings. I finished reading Lovely Bones and I really enjoyed it. Here is a quick update from the past week:

Monday: Had a great meeting in San Antonio and finished off the night with a surprise dinner with my husband to Magnolia Cafe where I had a big breakfast taco and a corn meal pancake with blue berries. YUMMY!
Tuesday: I celebrated my 26th birthday! It was a wonderful day! I awoke to a dozen roses, card, a sterling silver ring that says, "be true to your dreams" on it (I LOVE IT). We finished the day at my dads for hamburgers and American Idol. Thanks to everyone who sent birthday greetings my way :)

Wednesday: It was cold and gloomy and so was I! I could not shake it. I was in GREAT need for some vitamin D.

Thursday: Had a wonderful meeting at my dads house and added 4 new teammates to the team. Also found out that we will be going on an all expense paid trip to the Bahamas in June with FHTM.

Friday: I made my way to San Angelo and am spending some time with my sister and Landon.

Tomorrow: I will head back to Austin after lunch and head over to Mark and Beth Wittenburgs house in Kyle where we will head to Gruene for dinner at the Gristmill and a concert at Gruene Hall.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Join Us

I loved studying the book of Esther with Mrs. Ashley Snell and Mrs. Stephanie Helm but I am VERY excited about our next adventure. We will begin reading Beth Moore's newly released So Long Insecurity: you've been a bad friend to us next Tuesday, February 9th. I hope that you will join us in reading along with Beth's new book and her blog. To read the instructions for the book study click here

Comment below if you plan on joining us in this study. You can find the book at Walmart.com for $12.99