Friday, January 1, 2010

In Case You Were Wondering

I completed the Insanity workout routine losing 8 pounds which was great! However, I gained 6 back over the holidays..yep. I'm serious! So I have come to realize that I have no problem working out. I have played various sports (been athletic) since the 4th grade so I enjoy a daily workout and pushing my body. What I need to work on is my eating. I've got to get this under control! I am happy to report that I have a very dear friend who is going to keep me accountable on this. I am not giving myself a deadline, nor making this a resolution but I really want to change my relationship with food.

I will be changing my eating for good. Consider me your "Eating Clean Friend"
Please do not pressure me to eat "Just one cookie" or tell me "it's only your birthday once a can have cake". I'm different now and I support you in all that you want to achieve. In Beth Moore's Bible study on Esther she spoke about how girlfriends (in some instances) cheer on the inside when we see that one of our female friends has gained 5 pounds. I think this is ridiculous and I am sure I am guilty of it! I'm ready for change from the inside out! Thank you Ashley Snell for embarking on this exciting journey with me. All are welcome to join us! I will be blogging from time to update you on how we are feeling!


  1. Thank you for embarking on this with me! We can do it! Together!

  2. I looked at the website. It looks interesting, I just wish I didn't have to buy a book to know what to do. I never read books like that. If it doesn't have a heroine and a prince charming it doesn't make it into my hands.

  3. It's $12.00 at Target :) I'll buy it for you!

  4. I want to play too! Teresa has mentioned this so many times. That is how she lost her weight is changing her relationship with food. I am getting this book this week. I also want the ones for kids. I want my kids to grow up with better eating habit.

  5. We would love to have you eat clean with us!!! When we reach our goal weights we are getting Kindles :)

  6. Okay, thing at a time. I am already planning to go INSANE..but I am curious about this book too.

  7. Crystal, the eating plan from this book would be great to pair with Insanity! :) One thing at a time
