Thursday, January 28, 2010

Look Alike?

I'm not too sure about it but I have been told that I look a lot like the girl on Hitch "Allegra Cole" and also..

Meg Ryan :) Do you think I look like these ladies??


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

6th Grade

My 6th grade teacher Libby Morrison of New Braunfels, TX (pictured in the middle) is earning her first $1500.00 check with Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing this month! I am so excited for her as she is beside herself and plans to help pay for her daughters college and retire early!! I cannot believe that when I wake up in the mornings I get to go out and help people gain financial freedom! I am starting a meeting in 6 minutes for more teachers at her school who are looking for ways to supplement their teacher incomes! Click on the link above to see what the excitement is all about! We can help you too!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Itunes Give Away

I am a follower of a new blog that you should check out! She is giving away an itunes giftcard! I am really getting into to this whol blogging world :)

Sweet Love

Thank you that Esther stepped up for, "such a time as this". She was afraid but believed and everything worked out beautifully because of her willingness to be used.

Thank you to my friend and business partner, Sandra Steen who said, "The end of the matter with God is always good ; so if it is not good it is not the end of the matter."

Thank you for MBC: My soul has been stirring since Sunday and I know that there is more that I can do. I will start by making it to the Prayer Team meeting tomorrow morning. I desire for 2010 to be the year that I grew spiritually.

Thank You for running. I feel like me again with my running shoes, ipod, and sun shine :)

Thank You for my husband! We are less than 2 months away from our 3rd wedding anniversary and I honestly did not think it was possible to love this much!!

Thank you Sweet Love that You are good and Your love endures!! Thank you Lord that when we wait on You and seek Your face it is good. I'm reminded of one of my favorite worship songs today and I am so thankful that you have put this song on my lips. Today I rest in You!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Shiner Fortune Childress

I tossed and turned all night long because this little guy was in a kennel in our utility room. Kyle and I have tossed around the idea of adding a dog to our 2 cat mix and were considering a $575.00 chocolate lab from Conroe, TX however we didn't think that Dave Ramsey and his Total Money Makeover would allow it :) So we were walking around Petsmart one night and just happened to ask a dog trainer if she knew of any breeders in the Austin area with chocolate labs. She replied that she knew of a breeder who had one little male black lab left. She told us that he was AKC registered and cannot find a home because of a little scratch above his right eye. She also told us that he was FREE!!! We rushed out to the car with the little piece of paper with the breeders name and number on it, called her, and she brought him to meet us 30 minutes later. We fell in love with this little guy and brought him home with us on Saturday. We named him "Shiner" because of his scratch on his eye and I just love him! I hope that he likes to run. Maybe I have finally found my running partner.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Chosen...Marathon for Adoption

I am so glad that some of you are excited about the running schedule I posted. Feel free to start on which ever week you want to start on. I started on week 4 but I think it might have been a bit much for my knees so I will finish out the week on week 3's workout! Every 10 weeks I will post what we should be doing to get ready for the marathon. We have 9 months to train so make sure to take it easy if you feel ANY pain!! Here's to our Chosen... Marathon For Adoption Running Team!!! I hear that running for something bigger than yourself will help us complete our training and marathon!! If you would like to read and follow along with me for the remainder of our training together please buy the book posted below. If we follow coach Glover's lead we will all complete our October 23rd Marathon injury free!!

Running Plan

Week 1: run 1 minute, walk 2 minutes complete sequence 7 times
Week 2: run 2, walk 2 complete sequence 5 times
Week 3: run 3, walk 2 complete sequence 4 times
week 4: run 5, walk 2 complete sequence 3 times
Week 5: run 6, walk 1 1/2 complete sequence 3 times
Week 6: run 8, walk 1 1/2 complete sequence 2 times
Week 7: run 10 walk 1 1/2 complete sequence 2 times
Week 8: Run 12, walk 1, run 8
Week 9: Run 15, walk 1, run 5

Above is the first 10 weeks of the Marathon program I began training with today. Feel free to join me! Make sure you run 4 times a week and spend 2 days doing some sort of strength training, pilates, or stretching.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Who Will Join Me?

I will be running a Full Marathon in New Braunfels, TX on October, 23, 2010. All proceeds will benefit orphans! We will help adoptive families offset the cost of adoption, as well as tend to the basic needs of 250 orphans in a Ukrainian orphanage.

Course is a beautiful route starting in historic Gruene, TX, traveling down River Road and finishing with the Guadalupe River as your picturesque backdrop back in Gruene.

Thanks to and for helping to make this possible!

Who will join me!? We have plenty of time to train :)

Friday, January 8, 2010


frenzy |ˈfrenzē|noun ( pl. -zies) [usu. in sing. ]a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior : Doreen worked herself into a frenzy of rage.

I had a to present in New Braunfels this morning at 7:30 for some coaches who could use extra income (imagine that) but I quickly found out that that is not why I was meant to wake up at 6:00 AM on this COLD COLD COLD morning! I awoke very groggy, stumbled to the bathroom, put in my contacts, and smelled coffee that my dear sweet husband had set the timer for and IT.WAS.READY!! As I stood in our not-warm-enough kitchen I did the next very obvious thing that most do: I checked my facebook! That's when it hit me. A horrible dread came out of no where. I was on my face in my kitchen on the cold cold tile and tears were pouring down my face uncontrollably at a rate that I could not stop. I read the status of a dear sweet man that I knew from my church when I was in high school that read (I'm just giving you a paraphrase) "We are getting a divorce...tried to pray and work it out for the past four months." and i'm done for. They have a daughter who is just a few years younger than I was when I heard the news of my parents divorce. Not only that! This couple is my inspiration! They are an example I use in my own life to remind me that not all marriages fail! I don't know the circumstances for theirs but I know that prayer works and that God hates divorce. I got ready quickly, headed down the stairs to my freeeeeezing car, turned on my praise CD, and mourned and prayed and grieved for this family as I drove from the Onion Creek exit on 35 to San Marcos. That is when the frenzy began. I had my hand up in my car and I prayed for every single one of your marriages. I prayed for those of you who aren't married and might be married at some point. I prayed for their daughter.I realized that the reason I got up this morning and got to drive by myself was so that I could be reminded of how sacred my marriage is to Kyle! I could not WAIT to get home to that man and hold him and tell him how much I love him (and I prayed of him too!) If anyone needs prayer today send them my way! My heart is stirred like nothing before and I know that it was time for this spiritual awakening in me. I want you to know that your marriage matters to me! I am asking that you pray for my marriage and that you would pray with me that the Lord would intervene in the life of this sweet family.

Thank you! (and a coach signed up)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I know that today is supposed to be "Wordless Wednesday" but I just had to share how I feel as day three of eating clean is coming to a close. I have lost three pounds, feel amazing, and find myself craving fruits/veggies! What a praise! I urge each of you to pick up this book (it is VERY cheap on and begin making healthier eating choices throughout your day. I have 5 more pounds to lose before my first reward: A Manicure! I can't wait to see how I feel after week one of Eating Clean is finished!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Thank You Queen Esther

Most of you know that I have been studying Esther with my dear friends Ashley Snell and Stephanie Helm. I am loving this study and wanted to share with you a quote from Beth Moore which was in last weeks homework:

" The most critical breakthrough of faith you and I could ever experience is to let God bring us to a place where we trust Him--period. We don't just trust Him to let us avoid what we fear most. We determine to trust Him no matter what, even if our worst nightmare befalls us. We have no greater victory and can render Satan no harsher blow."

I remember growing up I would lay in bed at night and say out loud, "I would just die if my parents divorced. I know I would just shrivel up and die and that would be the worst thing that could ever happen to me dear LORD PLEASE don't let me shrivel up and die of that!!!" Guess what!? My biggest fear. The biggest, scariest thing that I could come up with at my young age of praying that..came true. My parents divorced 6 years ago this month. My world came crashing down around me. I inherited debt I did not know I would have to pay back (student loans) a huge aching heart, a confused dad, a mourning mom, a grieving sister, and some very confused family members and friends. I took care of my mom as she battled with depression and my sister as she tried to grasp the situation. I endured endless sleepless nights and found myself gripping on to the word of the Lord with all that was in me. If you opened my Bible today you would find the book of Job highlighted all in yellow. I knew. That God was with me. I knew that we would make it. We did. My family emerged this holiday season in the brightest light I could ever have fathomed! I want you to praise Jesus with me that I did not suffer for one SECOND this holiday season from depression (and neither did my mom). This year it was celebrated that the Lord Jesus was born and came to bring us life and life abundantly and a new day came for my family.

I am praying for you in your deepest sadness and in your deepest fear that you will know that:
"if ________________ (insert your worst fear here) then God will take care of you"
"If _________________ then God has a plan"
"If__________________ then God desires to accomplish something monumental in me"
"If__________________ then God's going to demonstrate His sufficiency to me."

Praying for you today dear readers. I love you all!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hello Team

A few of my teammates from FHTM have told me that they are avid readers of my blog! So, in response to my wonderful business partners I will be posting exciting announcements on this blog to share with all of you as we start 2010.

Last night NSM, Joel McNinch interviewed FHTM founder Paul Orberson on a conference call. This call was recorded and you can listen to it now at 712-432-1085 pin 209669# This recorded call will be available for you for the next 48 hours so make sure to listen to it ASAP.

Have a great week and make sure to visit our website for team updates and schedule.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day One

Day one consisted of lots of water, 2 cups of coffee, egg whites, Go Lean cereal, almonds, broccoli, an egg white wrap from Starbucks (its okay to have this), a huge salad, some lean brisket, and more water. I was feeling great until the evening when I started craving some sugar however I decided to have a cup of coffee,chew sugar free gum ferociously, and finished out the day with success!

Today we am having lunch with Ashley and Ryan Snell. I am excited about my first out-to-a-restaurant eating clean meal at Texas Roadhouse. I know that their yummy rolls will be calling my name but my lean-mean-eating-clean-mindset is in control and ready for the challenge.

Who's with me?? We can do this! From the eating clean website here is a success story of a girl who is close to my age. Her name is Lynda Burkland

Friday, January 1, 2010

In Case You Were Wondering

I completed the Insanity workout routine losing 8 pounds which was great! However, I gained 6 back over the holidays..yep. I'm serious! So I have come to realize that I have no problem working out. I have played various sports (been athletic) since the 4th grade so I enjoy a daily workout and pushing my body. What I need to work on is my eating. I've got to get this under control! I am happy to report that I have a very dear friend who is going to keep me accountable on this. I am not giving myself a deadline, nor making this a resolution but I really want to change my relationship with food.

I will be changing my eating for good. Consider me your "Eating Clean Friend"
Please do not pressure me to eat "Just one cookie" or tell me "it's only your birthday once a can have cake". I'm different now and I support you in all that you want to achieve. In Beth Moore's Bible study on Esther she spoke about how girlfriends (in some instances) cheer on the inside when we see that one of our female friends has gained 5 pounds. I think this is ridiculous and I am sure I am guilty of it! I'm ready for change from the inside out! Thank you Ashley Snell for embarking on this exciting journey with me. All are welcome to join us! I will be blogging from time to update you on how we are feeling!