Kyle and I have a leadership conference call on Monday mornings. I always put on a fresh cup of coffee, grab a note pad and pen, and get settled at my desk to take notes and learn. Last Monday a fellow FHTMer and friend Scott Aguilar was on the call and he said something that made things completely click for me. He said that when you own your own business you must be able to set the pace. He told each of us on the call to relate our month to running a mile. Week one (lap one): start out strong, be consistent, diligent, do not let yourself be distracted from your goal. Week two (lap two): keep it up, breathe, do not let up, keep your goal in mind. Week three (lap three): keep it up, breathe, do not let up, keep your goal in mind. Week four (lap four): GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT! EVERYTHING THAT IS LEFT. After hearing this Kyle and I made the decision to give the last 9 days of this month every thing we got.

So, On Thursday we left from Austin in route to Lubbock, Texas to help a few of our new teammates there. By the time we were in Eden we realized that if we continued on without a break we would arrive in Lubbock by 2:30 and our meeting did not start until 7 (at least we knew we would be on time). With that we decided to make a pit stop in Roscoe, TX home of the fightin' Plowboys and Mammie and Snowflake Ratliff (my grandparents on my dads side). They were thrilled with the surprise and we enjoyed a Dr. Pepper and a great break that afternoon and arrived in Lubbock with time for dinner and our meeting. We had one new person join our team and had a great training. People in Lubbock like getting paid to talk on their phones, watch TV, travel, etc too :)
When we were finished in Lubbock we decided to drive to San Angelo to visit my sister, Landon, and Lance. We arrived in Angelo at 1:30 in the morning and woke up at 7:00 AM to watch Landon all day. We had a blast with him:

We left San Angelo at 6:00 PM on Friday night to head to San Antonio (3 hours away) to help some of our Air Force guys show their friends how they can save money on their bills when they got off work at 10. We had another person join our team in San Antonio. We were back in Austin by 2:00 AM.
Saturday morning we had a training in the Cabela's conference room from 10-2 where 2 more people joined the team, we had lunch with our brother-in-law Kane, slept, ate dinner, watched Grey's, and now I can't sleep because I'm tired (okay maybe delirious).
Tomorrow I leave for Richmond, TX to see my mom.
Monday morning I have a training in Vidor, TX, lunch in Winnie, TX, and a 730 meeting in Beaumont, TX. I will sleep at my moms in Richmond that night and then head to College Station to help my Aggie team on Tuesday night.
What I'm saying is that we are giving it all weve got. I am thrilled to be a part of FHTM and helping people save money on things they are already doing is a blessing. I am blessed that I get to work with my husband and that through our long trips around Texas our love for one another and the Lord has grown. We have miles and miles to dream together, sing, laugh, praise (sing at the top of our lungs), and encourage. We ask that you please pray for our travels and that we not take this for granted! Thank you for your support and for following me through my days. I appreciate each of you!
I hope the world for you, Jenny. Knock 'em dead!!! Love you!!