April 27th-May 3rd
Monday April 27th: 9AM workout, 11AM leadership conference call, 1PM leave for BP (Business Presentation) in Beaumont @ 7:00pm
Tuesday April 28th : BP @ 9AM in Vidor, Training at 3PM in Seguin, change and get ready to go to 7:30PM Austin meeting while Kyle gets ready and leaves for 7PM San Antonio meeting, come home and watch American Idol :)
Wednesday April 29th: SLEEP IN!!! 2PM drop Kyle off to go to Houston for 7PM BP with Tom Waggoner, 4 PM Pilates, 5-6PM Dinner at Hays Hills Baptist Church, 7 shower, 8 results show of American Idol, sleep, 2AM pick Kyle up from north Austin after his Houston meeting
Thursday April 30th: 12PM Pilates, shower, meeting at 3 in New Braunfels, head to Gruene River Grill to set up for our weekly meeting that starts at 7.
Friday May 1st: 12 PM Pilates, 1:15 20 minute run,5PM meeting, 7PM home meeting.
Saturday May 2nd: No plans as of yet. LOTS OF HOME MEETINGS THOUGH!!!
Sunday May 3rd: 930AM Sunday School, 10:45 church, Lunch, nap, run, 5PM Financial Peace University. 7-11PM relax
See Grandma...I'm doing just fine :)
It's amazing how we fill up our time when not working outside the home. Last night I was at the grocery store at 8:30. Crazy that I just couldn't find time during the day to make it over there.