I have spent this rainy day in a very reflective mood. It has now been over 2 years since I married the LOVE of my life and every single day I fall more and more in love with Kyle Martin
Childress. He doesn't read my blog and probably couldn't tell you how to find it but he sure is my biggest fan. I have learned so much about how the Lord loves me because of how Kyle loves me. Kyle and I have learned the sweetness of mercy and grace and the patience of hurt and sorrow. We have conquered fears with prayer and love love love through God's holy word. I am blessed beyond words in the way that Kyle believes for our future. He gets up every day and fights for our financial freedom and I am blessed to be able to be in business with my very best friend. I can't say enough about my beloved.
Love you Bubba (he hates when I call him that) :)
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