Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What Makes Me Tick

I have been a little unmotivated to do much of anything ever since completing the Austin Marathon. In fact my new goal to fit into a pair of jeans that I wore the day before I got married cannot even be focused on. I was warned about this. I have papers piled up on my table that need to be filed, loads and loads of laundry that must be completed, a floor that needs to be vacuumed, a whole list of people to call back, and bills to get in the mail. Besides all of the stuff that I MUST accomplish there are many other things that I would so love to do. So...I thought I would make a list of the things that I WANT to do. The stuff that makes me tick!

1. a pedicure (I can't seem to allow myself to get one of these now that we started Dave Ramsey classes up again)
2. sitting in the sun reading
3. writing out cards to friends 
4. blogging :)
5. making the right food choices for one whole day
6. snuggling close to my husband for hours with nothing to do
7. catch up on Grey's Anatomy (shhh don't tell me)
8. watch American Idol every night that its on
9. pay off my car THIS month!!
10. Have coffee with Jenny H
11. Have coffee with Nocona
12. Eat chips and queso at Adobe in Gruene with Christina and Stephanie and then take a walk to the river and sit and chat with our feet in the COLD water!
13. Have a pancake supper with Kyle, Dani, Whitney, Joel, and Casey and talk to very late! 

Okay im done for now. Im off to NB for meetings today and looking forward to seeing how this month turns out. I'll do that laundry later!!