I joined a running team today!!!!!!! It didn't take long to realize that running alone is, well, L-O-N-E-L-Y! After much difficulty in the last few miles of my half marathon I began research on a running program that would fit right for ME!! My husband's cousin Lynette trains with Rogue Running and she told me all about how wonderful it is to run with them. I went to the
Rogue Running Website and found that the marathon training program had been in session since September 6
th (which is what I figured) and I emailed the name listed as person to contact. Ruth wrote me back first thing this morning to let me know that they would be happy to have me join their program AND they would give me a prorated rate of $75.00 (instead of $300.00 if I would have started back in September)!!!!!!!! I am very excited and encouraged! She said she will be sending me emails with exactly what I should be eating as I train and we meet 3 times a week to run!!!
I will let you know how it goes! Other than that I have a 16 mile solo run in the morning to stay on schedule with them and will be able to complete it only because I know it will be my last long training run BY MYSELF!! HOORAY!
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