"I'm hitting easy street on mud tires"
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Hitting Easy Street
Saw some old friends yesterday and have heard the song below 4 times today. Isn't it funny how a song can hit you real down deep? I miss Canyon Lake today: old/simpler times, the dam, home, shaved ice, cliff jumping...
Friday, June 10, 2011
Linen Closets
Day 1 of the Let's Get Organized challenge found me reorganizing our linen closets. We don't have a linen closet in our master bedroom/bathroom so I have been using this shelf in our closet (not very efficiently). I feel much better now.


Here is our Linen closet upstairs:


It really does a body, mind, soul, everything, good to purge and organize your home. I will spare you pics from every day but will make sure to check in from time to time to keep myself accountable to this task.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Thank you Amanda from Tales from a Mother for this blog award! I don't believe I have ever received a blog award!
So Here is How It Works:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award by linking back to them in your post.
2. Tell us 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 or 16 recently discovered bloggers
4. Contact those bloggers and let them in on the exciting news!
1. Thank the person who gave you the award by linking back to them in your post.
2. Tell us 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 or 16 recently discovered bloggers
4. Contact those bloggers and let them in on the exciting news!
7 Things
- I want to be a motivational speaker and have an amazing platform with FHTM to do just that. I want to specifically work with teenage girls and talk to them about their worth in Jesus Christ.
- I am a mompreneur- A term linking being a mom and entrepreneur. LOVE IT!
- I love to read
- I would lay on the beach in the sun every single day if I could
- My husband and I want to adopt children
- I love to pray and have a huge calling on my life to pray for others.
- I love my family!
I'm going to break rule number 3 and introduce you to 7 (not 15) blogs
Let's Get Organized
I have been looking online for a 30 day list to get my home in order by doing a little bit of organization every day. The idea is that by the end of 30 days my home would be in much better shape than the previous 30 days and our family would be well on our way to clutter free(ish).
**I realized this morning that Kennedy Kate has 23 stuffed animals already. TWENTY-THREE. Is she too young to give some of those away ?? YIKES! (5 of these are cute little Easter bunnies)
Since my online search for "30 days to clutter free" did not turn up any schedule I could live with I have compiled my own:
- Linen closet(s):
- Under sinks: bathroom(s), kitchen, etc.
- Under beds: (this may not be an issue for your home but under the bed becomes a catch all for books, at our house..yuck) If you do not have a need to work on under the bed consider vacuuming under it :)
- Night Stands: clean em out, wipe em down, etc
- Master closet: see Project 333 for how I am reorganizing my wardrobe. It's been fun so far!
- Hall closet and/or storage closet
- Pantry
- Lower Kitchen cabinets
- Upper kitchen cabinets
- Entertainment center: If you do not have one just wipe down what your television sits on
- Laundry room:
- Desk, or filing cabinet: (whatever) but get those papers organized
- Office:
- Master bedroom: remove all clutter
- Bathroom drawers:
- Kid Closet #1 (if you do not have kids consider cleaning out guest room closets or going through your master closet again)
- Guest room closet or Kid's Closet #2
- Book Shelves
- Media Shelves
- Kitchen drawers: remove everything and wipe them down
- Catch-all console: you know: that one place where you enter your house and everything gets thrown
- Living room
- China Cabinet
- Boxes: for those of us who have moved in the last 1,2,3, years and STILL have those few unpacked boxes. GET. THAT. DONE.
- Kid's Dressers
- Master Dresser
- Garage (get your family involved)
- Garage continued (this could be a big step)
- Refrigerator
- Loft/playroom/extra bedroom
As an example for day 1: Linen Closet: I would: refold, replace old towels (if needed), reorganize, put any towels that are no longer functional (have holes or other issues) in pile to use for house cleaning, car drying, or to sale in garage sale. *Do what works for you!
**You can visit my friend Jill's THIRTY-ONE store to get ideas and purchase things for organization of your home**
I hope you find this functional. My advice is to not get hung up on the fact that you need to complete this list in 30 days time but use it as a guide. If it takes you 60 days to complete these tasks you will be much better off then living the next year in clutter. Happy deCluttering!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
A Game Of Hope
At church this morning we were shown the above video and challenged to bless this summer. Pastor Ryan told us a story about a recent prayer meeting with major church leaders (men) in the Austin area. He said that one of the men spoke up and said that in all his years of ministry he hadn't had a mentor. He hadn't had anyone to come along side him and encourage him; it had always just been a competition. This message of considering others more than myself was heart wrenching and I feel changed today. **My favorite part about coaching high school track in the spring of 2008 was that I got to teach something I was passionate about and then cheer the kids on as they sprinted towards their finish lines.
As you know from a previous post It has been on my heart to cheer each of you on. To pray for you in your need but much more than that come along side you and cheer you on.
What are we waiting for?
If we are the body?
Numbers 6:24-26
24The LORD bless you and keep you; 25the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; 26the LORD lift up his countenance[a] upon you and give you peace.
Ephesians 5:1-2
1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. 2And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, afragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
What If?
I just finished reading this post by A.Snell. It challenged me and reminded me of a song from years ago. What if? (I'll post more on this later)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
1 Car Family
Some of you know that we sold our Mazda 3 to my inlaws to replenish our emergency fund after Miss K's hospital bill. I can't express how freeing it has become to have one car (for now) and we may just stick with this a while. I haven't posted much about my 333 project but I have found it freeing and helpful in refocusing LOTS of wasted energy on more important things. I will post pictures. I now have an almost empty dresser and closet and feel lighter. We've even dabbled with the idea of moving to the condo next door which has a much better floor plan and 2 bedrooms. Simplify is 2011's word for our family. Debt Free in 2011 is our plan. I have a twin day bed for sale along with a full bed(room) set, clothes, a TV, books, cluttering home decor, and much much more. Come over and get a deal! I have always had a sense that stuff would not fulfill but taking action of decluttering has brought a depth to my spiritual life that I cannot express (at this time).

Tonight I am thankful!

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