Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Brand New Day

It's official

After a few months of soul searching and talking with the Lord I have resigned from teaching at Travis High School. As some of you know my husband and I own our own business and we have decided that it would be best for us if I help him out with it. 

I am so very excited and feel blessed to have this time in my life to hang out with my husband and work at something we are very passionate about. 

Not only will I have time to work along with Kyle but I am extremely excited about how this decision frees me up for ministry with the GRACE girls of Manchaca Baptist Church. 

Please keep us in your prayers as we transition into this new phase of working together. 

We are excited!!!!!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008


I went running this morning and have yet to have a carb that is in something other than a piece of fruit or a vegetable. I have a goal and I must reach it! Healthily!

I warmed up with a 5 minute walk, ran for 20 minutes, and did a 5 minute walk cool-down. I know it may not seem like a lot but I don't want to increase my allotted time for running too quickly for fear of injuring my last time.

I am at Miss Ruby's right now. Taking my break. Miss Ruby's is a store in Gruene that I used to manage during college. During those weeks I would put in anywhere from 40-60 hours. I have agreed to help her out this summer and am putting every dollar into a set of Pottery Barn desks. I will keep you updated with that total too. I will only be working 2 days a week though. I am taking my summer break.

I will write more later tonight. Just wanted to touch base with you!


Sunday, June 8, 2008


This morning I awoke and absolutely, positively did NOT want to to go to church. This does not happen to me often. On the rare occasion that I do not want to go to church I know that that is when I need to go the most. So I got up. Clumsily brushed my teeth. Put my eyes in. Brushed through my bedridden hair. Dabbed on some makeup and thought to myself about how much I really don't enjoy putting it on. I put on some jeans (I was not going to put on a skirt and could hear my grandmother's voice scolding me for wearing jeans to CHURCH!). 

I made it to Sunday school with 30 minutes to spare.

I went to the sanctuary and was immediately hit with beautiful songs of worship. Slowly I could feel my reluctance to be there fall away. I sang along with songs such as, "awesome God" and "knowing You" and could feel my shoulders relax. By the time the preacher started to speak I was not shocked at all to find that his sermon was on legalism. I am not sure if I realized just what the definition of legalism was until it pierced me with conviction this morning. 

How is it that I can desire so much to be like Jesus but fall so very short each and every day. I am guilty of just as many of the same things that those pharisees were guilty of way back when. Then I get frustrated. I feel like I deserve things to be given to me in life but yet I know that all I deserve is death. Hallelujah Jesus died for me and I can't even comprehend it! 

I could go on and on with all of my thoughts this afternoon but I will not. I just wanted to share that its good to get out of bed and go to church even when pancakes and coffee and reading sound so much better.  Psalm 73:26 speaks it all, "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

Saturday, June 7, 2008


When I said that I was starting a blog I meant it. Tonight was great! I had a blast hanging out with Lorretta and her daughter Faith. We had dinner at Adobe and finished up with some blasts from Sonic. After our meal we headed back to my moms house to hang out until Kyle could come by and pick me up. He had to do a training in San Antonio. What a blessing!

I was reminded tonight that I am so very blessed to have my husband here with me. Lorretta's husband Dustin had to go to Iraq in January and she is getting anxious for his return. Only 37 more days. I am blessed that Kyle was able to stay here because he should be in Iraq right now too. Praise the Lord he got to stay here with me. 

Tomorrow is a fun day of church in the morning, GRACE meeting at 4, and Bible study in the evening. I just love Sundays. I love them even more when I do not have to go to work on Monday. Praise the Lord that it is summer. You have no idea how much I needed this break. 

Hope you have a great night!

The Start

Hello all! This is  my attempt to start a blog about life, goals, excitement, and anything else that I would like to share. The title of my blog comes from an old Nike shirt that I wore while running track back at Smithson Valley Middle school. I don't even know if I realized what that quote and shirt would mean to me later on in life but it has come to define the way that I desire to live. Some might say that it means that I am super busy and don't have time for you. Others might argue that I am in way too big of a hurry. The truth is that I set goals and won't be held back AND when faced with trials I sprint ahead with the one who Saved me and Saves me everyday (that is Jesus). 
and of course I run and don't like to get beat and set goals! I plan on keeping you up to date on my running as well! In Runner's World magazine they totally reccommend writing down in a log your running I will. 

So we begin...

Last night G.R.A.C.E. Ministries (Girls Raised According to Christ's Example) had our summer kickoff concert with Lindsey Kane. It was amazing and she spoke some truth that all of us needed to hear. 

Today at 3 I must make an appearance at the Travis High School graduation where I helped write the smart speeches (I am the speech teacher). I find it odd that now at the age of 24 I got to aid in the writing of a graduation speech. They are good speeches too. 

At 6 I am having dinner with Lorretta Greenwood who has a husband who is in Iraq and a beautiful baby girl named Faith. Can't wait.

I have a few things that I MUST accomplish in the next year that I plan to start working on this summer!
1) I am going to run that marathon! San Antonio in November!
2) I am going to learn how to play the guitar. I know about 7 chords and need to get WAY better at strumming.
3) I am going to clean out that closet
4) we are going to (we meaning my husband and me) become executive managers
5)I am retiring from teaching